Garage Door Opener Rochester
Before we start explaining about garage door openers in Rochester, first we would like to emphasize the importunacy of safety when it comes to garage door openers repair and installation in Rochester, whether it is garage opener in New York, garage motor repairs is Monroe County, or anywhere else: Please be aware, that an automated garage door in Rochester, which sometime service us many times during the day, can be dangerous. If there is something wrong with your garage door opener in Rochester, or any other part of the garage door for that matter, please stop using the garage door, and contact a garage door company in Rochester to come to you, and inspect the garage door. If you are looking for a company in Rochester that offer same day garage door repair service, you just found what you are looking for, since we The Gate Local Garage Doors & Gates Repair offer same day garage door services for all overhead doors in Buffalo New York, Monroe County NY, Genesee County, Webster New York and Fairport NY.
Garage Door Opener Types in Rochester
There are 3 main garage door openers you can find in Rochester, and we can service all of them.
Chain drive opener: This opener is one of the most popular garage openers in Rochester. It is working using a steel chain that move along the rail and moving a trolley, which push and pull the door whenever we instruct the opener to do so. It considered to be a reliable opener and can be found in many houses in Rochester. With the right use, the chain drive opener in Rochester should last for 15-25 years, when it was installed by a trained garage door technician in Rochester, and as long it was created by a reliable opener manufacture such as Lift Master who offer high quality garage door openers in Rochester.
Belt drive opener: The second best seller of the openers in Rochester is the belt-drive opener. It works the same way the chain drive garage operator works only that in the Belt opener the steel chain is replaced with a rubber belt which make it quitter than the chain drive opener. Although a bit more expensive than other garage openers in Rochester, when you bring in account that it can easily last for more than 20 years in Rochester, you should consider it if it is important for you to an opener that will operate in a silent way. We supply high quality belt drive garage openers in Rochester, such as Lift-Master Belt drive openers, which can come with battery backup, I cases when there is no electricity in the garage, but you would still like to use your garage door in NY automatically.
Screw drive opener: This opener based on a much simpler mechanism and although they are becoming less and less popular in houses in Rochester, from the three options, they are the easiest to install and to operate, especially if you are planning to purchase the opener and to install it yourself and not using a professional garage door opener installer. If you live in Rochester and you own a screw-drive garage opener, and you are experiencing troubles operating it, contact us for same day service since we can fix all types of garage door openers in Rochester.
If there is something wrong with your garage door in Rochester, it should not be used automatically. Only when a door is working perfectly when it is being used manually, it should be connected to the garage opener.
Which opener do I need if I live in Rochester?
There isn’t a simple answer to that question. Every garage door supplier in Rochester will probably say that they have the best openers in Rochester. We are not here to decide which one offer the best garage opener in Rochester. But what we can help you with is to choose from the 3 openers that we described above the best opener for you. Especially if you live in places like Rochester or one of the other boroughs, where the garages are usually equipped with extension spring system which is the most common spring system for residential garage doors in New York.
If you live in Rochester, and you prefer a quiet opener (in cases when the garage door is installed below or inside the house), then you should aim for the belt drive opener for your garage door in NY. If you don’t care about the noise (or prefer to hear the garage door whenever it is being used) we recommend that you will go with the chain drive opener for your garage door in New York (cheaper than the belt, and some will say even stronger). And if you are interested in purchasing and install the opener yourself, we recommend you to purchase the screw drive opener, which is the easiest to install and operate from all the openers you can find in garages in Rochester.
About the garage opener brand. After many years of servicing garages in Rochester, we learned that Lift Master is a brand we can trust to work for many years with no issues, and that will open your garage door in Rochester whenever you are going to need it. All you need to do is to make sure that the garage door and its mechanism itself is fine, and the opener will work for many years, like every garage opener we installed in Rochester is working.
Opener Safety Sensor Repair Rochester
By a federal law, every automated garage door in Rochester, or anywhere else in America, should include safety feature! No matter if it is a garage door in Fairport, or garage door repair in Rochester NY, every opener installation in Rochester should include safety feature which protect someone, something or even the door itself from breaking or injuring someone in case the closing door hit them.
The most popular safety feature you can find in residential garage doors in New York is the laser safety sensors. The safety sensors in automated garage doors in NY are installed on each side of the door, usually no more than 6 inches from the ground, and should reverse the moving garage door in case something is located on its path. If you own an automated garage door, and there are no safety sensors installed, contact a garage door company in NY to come and install them for you. The door may work fine without them, but it is not safe, since every automated garage door in Rochester should include safety sensors.
How the safety sensors work?
The garage door safety sensors have no part in operating of the garage door, but have a big part in the safe use of the door. And that works for every garage door whether it is a garage door in New York, a garage door in Buffalo NY or anywhere else. If something blocking the door’s path, like a car, pet, or a person, it will block the invisible laser beam between the 2 sensors at the same time the door is going down and closing, the garage door will stop its movement and reverse to open position. If you live in Rochester and there are no safety sensors installed in your garage, please contact a local garage door company in Rochester to come and install safety sensors for you.
Safety sensor repairs New York
Many times while using your garage door in NY, the safety sensors can be the reason for many issues and prevent your garage door from closing all the way. Many of the service calls we receive from our customers in Rochester are about garage door safety sensors troubleshooting. But no matter how annoying it may be, you should never remove or cancel the safety sensors. They are there for your protection, and for that one day when they will prevent damage, injury and even death, you should never remove them. If you are experiencing garage door safety sensors issues in Rochester, call us and we will try to help you fix the problem. We fix all garage door issues in Rochester and safety sensors troubleshooting is something we do on a daily base in Rochester.
Garage opener problems NY
The reason why a garage door opener in Rochester stop working are many. From a safety sensor issue in Fairport, through someone who forgot to release the garage door lock in Fairport, to a garage door opener issue in Roslyn there are many potential problems. Some you can fix by yourself, and for some you will have to need the services of a local garage door company in Rochester.
Garage Opener Troubleshooting Rochester
Often we receive calls from customers in Rochester, telling us that there is something wrong with their garage opener. And if they are located in Rochester, they are local to us, and we arrive at the place within an hour. To us it doesn’t matter if you need a garage door repair in Fairport, or a garage door in Huntington Rochester, with our same day garage door opener repair service, we can fix any garage door in Rochester today. When we arrive to inspect the garage door, we find that the problem isn’t a problem with electric opener, but a different type of problem, usually a broken spring or a snapped cable. But if they will insist to try and use the door with the problem, they will eventually destroy the opener as well.
In order to understand why it may seem like there is something wrong with the opener itself, you need to know that the garage door opener in Rochester is not what make it easy to open and close the garage, but it is actually the garage door spring system. And when something is wrong with the spring system like if the spring broke or one of the cables snapped, or if you did not maintain your garage door in Rochester on time (Garage door in Rochester should be lubricated every 6 months), it is only a matter of time before the opener won’t be able to lift the door without the help of the springs, since it is something that it is not supposed to do. So if there is a problem with your garage door in Rochester, contact a garage door repairman in NY ASAP to come and fix it for you. If you will not do that, soon you will need to install a new garage opener in Rochester.
Garage opener New York
To someone who isn’t familiar with the garage door industry – in Genesee County or anywhere else in Rochester - it may seem like the opener is having hard time lifting the door, and from there, it is easy to assume that there is something wrong with the garage opener. But to us, who installed and repaired countless garage openers in Rochester, it is easy to locate the problem and repair it even if it is not the opener. To make it clear, we can say that: If the garage door in Rochester is not working perfectly when you use it manually – without the electric opener - you shouldn’t use it automatically before addressing the issue and fix the problem. Only when a garage is operating perfectly when it is being used manually, you can go ahead and connect it to the operator. And that goes for every Overhead door in NY, residential garage door in Fairport and commercial Garage Doors in Monroe County.
The Gate Local Garage Doors & Gates Repair specialize in all types of garage openers repair in New York. From commercial overhead motor in Rochester, to new garage opener installation, we can help, and if you are located in Rochester, we can even do that today.
Fix garage door opener New York
Sometime we will choose to completely replace the garage door opener instead of fixing it. There are different garage openers in Rochester, some are relatively new and some were installed many years ago. Fixing the current garage opener is not always the best decision, in terms of cost vs value. If a garage opener in Rochester is more than 20 years old, we will choose to replace it instead of fixing it. From our experience, after 20 years of fixing garage openers in Rochester, we have learned that if the opener is too old, it is only a matter of time before other parts will break. So we recommend to you to completely replace it, instead of calling a garage door supplier in NY every 2-3 months to come and repair the opener.
If there are no safety sensors installed we will not fix the garage opener or the garage door. By law, every automated garage door in Rochester should include a safety feature such as laser safety sensors. If there are no, we will install them for you, and if it is not possible, we will not be able to fix the opener.
If the opener wasn’t installed correctly. We sometime see garage openers in Rochester which were installed by a handy man in Rochester, or by someone who isn’t trained and experienced in installing garage openers in Rochester. In the case we will have to remove the opener and install it correctly, to make sure that the problem will not repeat itself.
Emergency garage door repair NY
We offer emergency garage door repairs in Rochester, for opener’s springs, commercial and residential garage door in Rochester. Whether you need a garage door repair in Rochester, a roll up gate repair in NY, or a commercial garage door repair in Webster, we can help. Contact us for a same day service in Rochester.
For garage door opener service in Rochester
Call (585) 289-8707